
  1. What is an animal that doesn’t have a backbone called?
    1. Vertebrate
    2. Mammal
    3. Dinosaur
    4. Invertebrate
  1. The name of the Super continent  that existed on Earth around 250 million years ago was called
    1. Gondwanaland
    2. Pangaea
    3. Lithuania
    4. Eurasia
  1. Scientists study fossil records to learn more about
    1. Where oil can be found
    2. How the Earth was created
    3. How species have changed over time
    4. When the next ice age will occur
  1. The process through which a species disappears from Earth is called
    1. Expiration
    2. Respiration
    3. Extinction
    4. Expulsion
  1. Scientists believe that the Earth formed about
    1. 400 million years ago
    2. 4.6 billion years ago  
    3. 460, 000 years ago
    4. 4 million years ago
  1. Fossils are usually not formed from the soft tissue of an organism because
    1. The soft tissue is too hard.
    2. The soft tissue is too slippery.
    3. The soft tissue usually decays.
    4. The soft tissue is muscle.   
  1. What is the major cause of the  tides in Earth’s oceans?
    1. Gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon
    2. Revolution of the Earth around the Sun
    3. Spinning of the earth on its axis
    4. Gravitational pull of Venus
  1. Many mountains are sharp and jagged, but the Appalachian Mountains are rounded.  Which forces acted on the Appalachian  Mts. to give them their rounded shape?
    1. Weathering
    2. Volcanic eruption
    3. Tsumanis
    4. Earthquakes
  1. A region  that drains into a river or river system is called a watershed.  What determines the boundaries of a watershed?
    1. climate and weather patterns
    2. gravity and the features of the land
    3. water and carbon cycles
    4. life cycles of plants and animals
 10.    A geologist found rock layers containing marine fossils on top of a mountain. When she dug down into the next layer of rock, she found fossils of freshwater clams. Based on the placement of the fossils, which conclusion is best?a.       The area was once covered by a salt marsh and was later covered by a freshwater lake.b.       The area was once covered with a freshwater lake and was later covered by a salt marsh.c.       The area was once covered by an inland ocean and was then covered by a glacier.d.       The area was once covered by a massive inland saltwater sea.